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Tracy SO 蘇凱蕎
The Outstanding Potential Scholarship Award (Year 2014-2015)
2014-2015 最具潛質獎學金得主

Ms Chan started teaching Tracy in her kindergarten interest class. She used to be the shyest girl in class, lack of initiation and confidence. Ms Chan remembered Tracy’s voice was so quiet that she could barely hear her in their conversations. Surprising, Tracy has great determination and dedication in dance throughout all these years. She has been following Ms Chan’s teaching from kindergarten, to community centre, until now Ms Chan has opened up her own dance school. Enthusiasm in dance has led Tracy to stand out from the crowd, she even got the best examination result in her grade last year. Today, Tracy is still a quiet girl in class , but when she come across difficulties, she would voice out politely without hesitation. She pays attention in class, cultivating and building up her techniques silently. Even though her performance is outstanding , she learns humbly, having patience and assist her classmates in need. She is a good role model for us to learn from. The Dance Academy decided to award Tracy an one-year scholarship, allowing her to to acquire different dance skills, as well as to broaden her horizon in dance.

Tracy自幼稚園的舞蹈興趣班開始跟隨Ms Chan學習跳舞,她曾經是班上最怕羞的一位小女孩,同時欠主動性和自信心。Ms Chan 形容跟她說話時,幾乎聽不到她的聲音。意料之外地,Tracy對舞蹈全程投入,並有著堅定的決心。她跟隨Ms Chan由幼稚園到社區中心的興趣班、至Ms Chan近年開辦的舞蹈學校,持之以恆地為舞蹈付出努力。喜愛跳舞的熱情,讓Tracy反過來,成為班上出色的學生,她甚至在剛過去的舞蹈考試中獲得同級中最好的成績呢!至今,Tracy仍然是一位文靜的學生,但她該說話時,思考後勇敢有禮地發問; 該聆聽時,自我檢討並默默耕耘。雖然她在班上表現出色,但她一直也謙卑耐心地學習,並於有需要時幫助其他同學。實在是我們學習的好榜樣。學院頒發的一年芭蕾舞進修獎學金,除給予Tracy 機會裝備另類技巧, 同時希望可以開拓她於舞蹈上的視野。

Erica LEE 李曉瑩
The Outstanding Potential Scholarship Award (Year 2014-2015)
2014-2015 最具潛質獎學金得主

Erica had thought of giving up her dance journey because of some negative experiences she had in the past. She quitted her ballet class for a while and fortunately, Erica’s parents have always given her full support on chasing her passion. This gave her courage to start having jazz class in our school taught by Ms Chan. Seeing Erica with lots of potential, Ms Chan felt pity for her because of her decision to give up ballet. Therefore, Ms Chan has given her the one-year scholarship to encourage Erica in picking up ballet again. When her parents ask her now, "Will you want to continue ballet?" Her answer was "Is there any reason I would not ?". Erica had got the best result among her class during the last CSTD exam. She is now falling in love with dance again ,with her passion stronger than ever. 

Erica曾經因為學習芭蕾舞的不愉快經歷而放棄跳舞。幸好,她的父母一直在背後鼓勵她,支持她,令她有勇氣在Ms Chan的學校開始學習爵士舞。Ms Chan看見Erica有著舞蹈的潛能卻放棄了芭蕾舞,一直為她感到可惜,所以決定給她頒了一年芭蕾舞的獎學金,希望她重拾對芭蕾舞的熱情。到現在,Erica的父母再問她是否繼續學習芭蕾舞,她會回答「沒有不學的理由」。在剛過去的CSTD考試上,Erica成績更是全級最優秀的!她,除了爵士舞,已經重新愛上芭蕾舞。

Angus LEUNG 梁偉彥
The Outstanding Potential Scholarship Award (Year 2014-2015)
2014-2015 最具潛質獎學金得主

Angus always takes the initiative to express his passion of dance to his parents, as well as requesting to join different types of dance classes and activities . Even he has always been the only boy in class, he doesn't worry about what others might think, instead, he focuses with limitless enthusiasm. He hopes to complete all dance examinations, and to study at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. Ms Chan sees that classical ballet technique is essential for becoming a professional dancer. At the same time, she knows it might not be easy to convince Angus and his parents to work through the stereotypes that ballet is for girls. Therefore, The academy has given the scholarship to encourage Angus. With this great opportunity, Angus is now studying both classical ballet and jazz. He is one step closer towards his dream!

Angus 非常主動向父母表示希望參加各種不同種類的舞蹈課和跳舞活動,更向老師表示希望完成所有考試及入讀演藝學院。即使班上主要的同學都是女孩子,他也毫不介意別人的眼光,堅持熱愛自己的興趣。Ms Chan 知道如果目標是成為專業舞蹈員的話,芭蕾舞技巧是不可缺少的。有感於一般家長及男孩子未必能接受學習芭蕾舞,於是便頒與Angus獎學金,鼓勵和給予機會給Angus嘗試。現在的Angus仍同時繼續學習芭蕾舞及爵士舞呢!他,與自己的夢又邁進了一步了!

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