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香港迪士尼樂園的巡遊演出 2018
Hong Kong Disneyland Parade Performance 2018


Our parade performance at Hong Kong Disneyland was a great success! Let's enjoy the playback together!


Summer Showcase 2018 
暑期舞蹈展演派對 2018

一起重溫Summer Showcase 當天的精彩花絮 !
Let's review the some great moments from the Summer Showcase!

"On the Job: Dancer" SCMP Young Post 

Thank you SCMP Young Post for visiting us and sharing about the first dance experience.


Les Danseurs Dance & Art Academy is opened at Sau Kei Wan!


2017 Summer Course - Be a Star of the Artistic Dance Video! 
2017暑期課程 - 成為舞蹈影片的主角!

This year's summer , we brought our students an outdoor shooting experience. It helps to develop students artisti view , as well as inspired them that stage can be everywhere. 

這個暑假,我們把舞台移到室外,為學生拍攝舞蹈影片。此計劃旨在增強他們的藝術美感,讓他們體驗任何地方 也可以成為舞台










Junior Ballet



Junior Ballet



Street Dance



TVB Shooting Day for Cultural Engine 4U !  TVB《文化新領域》拍攝日!

Our students have had a great shooting day for Culture Engine 4U at TVB!  This gave them a great chance to show off their dancing skills to the Hong Kong audience. At the same time, they were interviewed about their dance experiences during the learning process. Please don't miss the programme to be shown on 17 June 9:40am - 10:15am!

本校同學有幸參與翡翠台<文化新領域>節目拍攝,向全港觀眾展現他們的舞蹈天賦,並接受訪問及分享學習舞蹈的樂趣及困難。是次節目將於6月17日早上9:40-10:15 播出,歡迎收看。



 Dancing in Disney 2017 迪士尼巡遊表演  

Amazing parade performance this year! Little dancers dancing with the stars sprinkled a little Disney magic across the "Main Street, USA". Both our students and their parents enjoyed every moment of it.



Les Danseurs Dance Academy 2015-2016 Annual Performance 週年匯演 

The year 2015-2016 Annual Performance was held on 28 Aug 2016  at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. With a full-house of audience, our dancers performed superbly and all shined on stage. Thanks again for all supporting parties!

本學院 2015-2016週年𣾀演在8月28曰晚上於香港演藝學院完滿地結束, 所有舞者在台上表現十分出色,再次多謝各單位的支持和參與 !



 Dancing in Disney 2016 迪士尼巡遊表演


The Disney Parade ended wonderfully. We hope all of our students enjoyed this fantastic journey, and look forward to seeing their next parade! 


Les Danseurs Dance Academy 2014-2015 週年匯演 Annual Performance 

The year 2014-2015 Annual Performance was held on 30 Aug 2015  at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. Our performance ended gracefully. Thanks again for all supporting parties!

本學院 2014-2015  週年𣾀演在 8月30曰晚上於香港演藝學院順利完滿地結束 , 再次多謝各單位的支持和參與 !

2015 Summer Programme  2015暑期課程 

Enrolment of Summer Program 2015 is now opened. 



2015 Annual Performance Repertoire Program  2015週年匯演課程

Enrolment of Annual Perforamance Reperoire Program 2015 is now opened. Don't miss the chance to enjoy a wonderful stage performance. 



Let's Dance in HK Competition 2014 第四屆舞動香江舞蹈比賽

Warmest Congratulations to our students for attaining 5 awards : Chilldren Dance Young Child Group (Age 5-6) Champion,
Ballet Young Child Group (Age 5-6) Champion, Jazz Child Group (Age7-9) 1st Runner-up, Jazz Child Group (Age 7-9) 2nd Runner-up and Jazz Teenage Group (Age 13-15) Champion in the 4th Let's Dance HK Competition on 21st December, 2014. Let's keep up the good work and do better in 2015!


2014 Reportoire Audition Result 排演班甄選結果 


Scholorship 2014 

Congratulations to students who got our scholarship earlier ! 

Scholarship recipients were selected among 200 students by assessing few areas, such dance ability, exam result, learning attitude, personal improvement, class attendance and activity participation. Keep going !



為鼓勵以積極努力的態度學習舞蹈,本學院從200位學員裏,挑選出10多位各方面表現優秀的學員,頒發獎學金以作表揚。個人進步、舞蹈能力、考試成績 、學習態度、出席率及活動參與率為評核要素。全體學生們繼續努力 !

Conan Hon Ching Him 
Hui Young 
Sun Wing Man 
Fung Yuk Kiu Yukie 
Athena Chung
Hung Wai Kiu Eunice
Lam Ka Ho 
Agnes Chong 
Yo Yo Woo 
Kan Hau Lam 
Leung Yee Ting Inez 
Wong Hei Yin Hailey 
Tiffany Ho 
Hendry Wong 
Rowena Liu 
Lam Wing Yin Ally 
Leung Wai Yin Angus
Li Yat Chun Sunny 

15th June Grand Opening 


Thanks for those who attended our grand opening party 

Photos and video can now be found on our facebook page !

Follow us now ! 



Les Jeunesse 恆常課程新生優惠           優惠期 Promotion Period ( 20 / 5 - 31 / 8 ) 


Les Jeunesse 新生於優惠期報讀並繳付兩個月學費,可獲贈緊身舞衣一件。

New enrolments of regular programme with 2 months payment in advanced will receieve a free dance leotard during the promotion period.





2014 兒童暑期課程報名 Children Summer Course Registration


- 6月20日前報名可享九折優惠

- 與親友同時報名,每人可享額外九折優惠

- 同時報讀兩項課程,第二項課程可享正價八折優惠

-  每位已報名的學生可獲贈T-shirt一件、免費試堂贈券一張, 及證書一張(出席率需達80%) 

- 家長將獲邀於課程最後一堂觀賞學生演出


- Early Bird enjoy 10 % off register on or before 20th June 

- Bring your friends and each get extra 10 % off

- Join 2 programs , with second program 20 % off its original price

- Each student will be given a free T-Shirt , Trail lesson Coupon and a Certificate ( with 80% attendance )

- Parents will be invited to watch student’s performance at the end of the course





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