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本學院的兒童及青少年課程著重舞蹈於藝術及教育層面上之學習。透過專業訓練,不同的演出經驗,培養學生個人自信,堅毅與自律的學習態度 。本校擁有優良師資,提供專業訓練場地和良好學習氣氛。我們定期安排學生參與本地及海外不同舞蹈賽事,考試,交流計劃等,令學習更有目標,成果得到國際認可。歷年來於各國際考試合格率為100%。


Les Danseurs Dance Academy Children and Teenager programs, emphasizes on the art and education form of dance. It is our passion to unlock our students' fullest potential, and to enrich their skills, by providing  outstanding teachers team, well-equipped studio, and great learning atmosphere. Through professional training and different performance exposure, our students develop confidence, perseverance and discipline.  We actively take part in local and overseas dance competitions, international dance examinations, in which learning is more effective and results are internationally recognized. The academy has been obtaining 100% passing rate at  international examinations over the years.






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